Email Our Staff

For information Outings, Memberships, Leagues, Clubhouse Employment and Winter Online Gift Sales contact:
Todd Trono, PGA General Manager - [email protected]
For Information about Golf Lessons, Charity Donations and affordable Pro Shop Merchandise contact:
Reece Delaire, PGA Head Golf Professional - [email protected] 
For Information about Course Maintenance and Grounds Crew Employment Contact:
Larry Keefe, VGCSA Superintendent Emeritus and Vice President WGC - [email protected]
David Keefe, VGCSA Superintendent - [email protected]
Please contact Jeff Murray, President WGC with any comments and/or suggestions allowing us to serve you better:
[email protected]

Williston Golf Club | 424 Golf Course Road | Williston, VT 05495 | (802) 878-3747
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